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Northway Biotech's CEO, Prof. V. A. Bumelis, Inaugurated as Honorary Doctor of Klaipėda University

Written by Biotechpharma | February 9, 2024

At the solemn meeting of the Klaipėda University (KU) Senate, the regalia of Honorary Doctor was bestowed upon academician and CEO and Chairman of the Board of Northway Biotech Prof. Habil. Dr. Vladas Algirdas Bumelis.

"This is a distinguished figure in science and business. A person who cares about the education of the younger generation devotes much attention to the development of science, maintains strong ties with Klaipėda University, and supports it intellectually and financially. It is an honour for the university that this individual has agreed to become a member of our community," - the Senate's decision regarding conferring the Honorary Doctor title upon the compatriot Prof. Habil. Dr. Vladas Algirdas Bumelis was presented by the Senate Chairman, Prof. Dr. Vaidutis Laurėnas. The decision was made on October 5th of last year.

At the solemn ceremony, the invited guests greeted the newly appointed Honorary Doctor of KU with applause. "I am infinitely grateful to Klaipėda University for this exceptional honour. My duty is to maintain and improve the standards embodied by this title of Honorary Doctor, ensuring that competence and innovation become values ​​we will pass on to future generations. This recognition once again confirms that by working together and supporting science and education as the basis for the prosperity and growth of society, we can achieve boundless heights," - shared Prof. Habil. Dr. V. A. Bumelis, the Honorary Doctor of KU, with uplifting emotions after the ceremony.

"We are delighted that the KU family has grown. A scientist with vast and rich experience has become a full-fledged member; let us be selfish and hopeful that the professor's knowledge of biotechnologies and understanding of international business principles will enrich all of us - scientists, educators who contribute to progress and nurture the younger generation," - greeted the Honorary Doctor of KU by the University Rector, Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas.

Distinguished scientists or public figures honoured with the title of Honorary Doctor by KU are publicly presented to the city and KU community according to an established tradition. Prior to the regalia bestowal ceremony, Prof. habil. Dr. V. A. Bumelis delivered a lecture titled "The Development of the Biotechnology Industry in Lithuania." In it, he also reviewed his journey from a scientist-innovator to a successful international business developer. In the list of Honorary Doctors of KU are 27 scientists and public figures from Lithuania and foreign countries who have significantly contributed to the growth of KU through their work and intellectual activities.

About Honorary Doctor Prof. Habil. Dr. V. A. Bumelis:

Born on July 1, 1949, in Kretinga, Vladas Algirdas Bumelis is a chemist, enzymologist, biotechnologist, habilitated Doctor of Physical Sciences, scientist-practitioner, and a true member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. The scientist is the co-author of over a hundred scientific publications, with dozens of inventions and patented products associated with his name. Prof. habil. Dr. V. A. Bumelis is the pioneer of gene engineering pharmacy in Lithuania, having created gene engineering-based drug production technologies and laid the foundations for the Lithuanian biopharmaceutical industry: today, Prof. Habil. Dr. V. A. Bumelis is the leader of the "Northway" group of companies, which comprises 17 companies operating in the medical and biotechnology sectors, as well as the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Northway Biotech.